Country Shows in Dorset
Country Shows are summer outdoor agricultural events. There are competitions, with prizes awarded by judges, allowing farmers and breeders to show off their cattle or crops.
Rural life is fully showcased at all these events. You can see prized farm animals be paraded, taste locally produced food, marvel at the homecraft and horticulture displays and partake of a fairground ride or two!
Dorset has a variety of country shows which take place across the county during August and September.
Dorset County Show is always the first weekend in September
Melplash Show is always the Thursday before the August Bank Holiday
Gillingham & Shaftesbury Show held on a Wednesday in the middle of August
The Great Dorset Steam Fair a four day event held at the end of August each year
So, if you're looking to come to stay in Dorset, and enjoy all the events it has to offer, please use the search links on the left of this page with ‘Dorset’ as your destination.