Home Things To Do Search Etape Caledonia Explore things to do Category Select from these options Food and Drink Just for Two Family Friendly Historic Britain Great Outdoors Enter Your Destination From Date To Things To Do Suggested Getaways near Etape Caledonia More Suggested Getaways Home Things To Do Etape Caledonia Etape Caledonia Start and Finish are in Pitlochry Just for Two, Great Outdoors The Marie Curie Cancer Care Etape Caledonia is generally regarded as the UK’s leading sportive and each year welcomes over 5,500 cyclists to the beautiful town of Pitlochry, Scotland. With the 81 mile course taking in some of the most breathtaking views the Scottish Highlands has to offer, as well as a festival atmosphere to look forward to at the finish line, it’s a must do for both cycling enthusiasts and first timers looking to experience both the thrill of riding on completely closed roads. There are also cycle events for everyone the week before Explore all Attractions & Events Contact Info See website See website Visit website Other Things to Do in the Scotland Region Stirling CastleInverawe Smokehouse and FisheriesCrinan CanalDalscone Farm FunGlen Affric NNRNational Museum of FlightKintail Birds of PreyBungee JumpingEtape CaledoniaThe 1745 House, DunollieGretna GreenRoyal Yacht Britannia