Home Things To Do Search Jupiter Artland Explore things to do Category Select from these options Food and Drink Just for Two Family Friendly Historic Britain Great Outdoors Enter Your Destination From Date To Things To Do Suggested Getaways near Jupiter Artland More Suggested Getaways Home Things To Do Jupiter Artland Jupiter Artland Edinburgh Family Friendly, Great Outdoors The garden is a garden of discovery - an earthwork here, a copse of cradled rocks there, the entrance to a fathomless burrow right before your feet. Visitors to Jupiter Artland are given a map indicating the location of the artworks within the grounds. But there's no set route. Clockwise or anticlockwise is your choice. As is a left turn here or a right turn there; or the retracing of steps for a second look. The artworks are land marks, events, confrontations on a journey of discovery; an open-ended journey. If you enjoy Jupiter Artland we hope you will return. If you do, over time, you will come across new installations in the park and hopefully come to appreciate more fully the concept of this continual work-in-progress. Come and discover, contemplate and delight. Explore all Attractions & Events Contact Info JUPITER ARTLAND Bonnington House Steadings Wilkieston Edinburgh EH27 8BB, UK 01506 889900 Visit website Other Things to Do in the Scotland Region National Museum of FlightOban DistilleryGlenwhan GardensBIRKS CINEMAThe 1745 House, DunollieInveraray CastleCastle MenziesHill House, Helensburgh.Cream O' GallowayScotch Whisky Experience Caerlaverock Castle Scottish Seabird Centre, North Berwick